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BEN10 外星传奇 歌词是什么

BEN10 外星传奇 歌词是什么

BEN 10中文版歌词演唱:黑涩会美眉







“BEN 10”








“BEN 10”
















BEN 10英文版歌词


It started when an alien device did what it did

And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid

Now he's got secret powers, he's no ordinary kid

He's Ben 10

(Ben 10)

So if you see him you might be in for a big surprise

He'll turn into an alien before your very eyes

He's slimy, freaky, fast and strong, he's every shape and size,

He's Ben 10

(Ben 10)

Armed with powers he's on the case

fighting off evil from earth or space

He'll never stop 'till he makes them pay

Cause he's the baddest kid to ever save the day

He's Ben 10

(Ben 10, Ben 10)

(BEN, 10)

(Ben 10)

上一篇 运城婚纱摄影多少钱 2017流行的婚纱摄影技巧
下一篇 “中银e信”和“短信通”分别有什么功能啊?怎么收费的?
