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I’m a Chinese boy.My English name i来自s Bob.I live far __71__ school.完形填空

问题补充说明:I’m a Chinese boy.My English name is Bob.I live far __71__ school.I often go to school __72__ a bike.I don’t like to be __73__.I always get to school on time.Last Wednesday morning,I rode my bike to school __74__ usual.Suddenly there was something __75__ with the wheel of my bike.I couldn’t ride it,so I got off the bike.I tried my best,but it still didn’t work.I was very worded and didn’t know what to do.Just at the __76__,an old man came over.He asked me what had __77__.I told him the sad thing.He said he could __78__ me.A few minutes later,he mended the bike well.I was very glad and said,“Thank you very much!” But the old man went away __79__ saying any words.Then I rode to school as __80__ as I could.Luckily,I reached the classroom in time. I will never forget the old kind man!

I’m a Chinese boy.My English name i来自s Bob.I live far __71__ school.完形填空






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