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Quake 4 命令列表 4

Quake 4 命令列表 4

内容摘要:aasStats shows AAS stats activateEditor activates the currently open editor addarrow adds a debug ar

reloadImages reloads images

reloadLanguage reload language dict

reloadModels reloads models

reloadScript reloads scripts

reloadShaders reloads the hardware shader programs

reloadSounds reloads all sounds

reloadSurface reloads the decl and images for selected surface

remove removes an entity

removeClientFromBanList removes a client id from the ban list: removeClientFromBanList


removeline removes a debug line

renderbump renders a bump map

renderbumpFlat renders a flat bump map

renderbumpFlatGUI launches the renderbump flat gui

reportImageDuplication checks all referenced images fo s_restart restarts the sound system

saveGame saves a game

SaveGameRefreshList refresh the gui's save list

saveLights saves all lights to the .map file

saveMoveables save all moveables to the .map file

saveParticles saves all lights to the .map file

saveRagdolls save all ragdoll poses to the .map file

saveSelected saves the selected entity to the .map file

say text chat

sayTeam team text chat

screenshot takes a tga screenshot

screenshotJpeg takes a jpg screenshot

script executes a line of script

serverForceReady force all players ready

serverInfo shows server info

serverMapRestart restart the current game

serverNextMap change to the next map

set sets a cvar

seta sets a cvar and flags it as archive

setInstance sets a player's world instance

setMachineSpec detects system capabilities and sets com_machineSpec to appropriate value

setPlayerGravity sets players local gravity

setPMCVars Resets player movement cvars

sets sets a cvar and flags it as server info

sett sets a cvar and flags it as tool

setu sets a cvar and flags it as user info

setviewpos sets the current view position

shakesGen generates shake data for sound shaders

showDictMemory shows memory used by dictionaries

showInteractionMemory shows memory used by interactions

showMemAlloc Prints outstanding mem_alloc tags -- Debug only

showMemory gives a reasonably detailed account of memory usage

showStringMemory shows memory used by strings

showTriSurfMemory shows memory used by triangle surfaces

sizeDown makes the rendered view smaller

sizeUp makes the rendered view larger

soundLog list the number of times sounds have been played

spawn spawns a game entity

spawnGUI spawn gui

spawnServer spawns a server

startBuild prepares to make a build

stopNetDemo stop playing/recording a network demo

stopRecording stops demo recording

tabComplete tab completes it's argument

teleport teleports the player to an entity location

testAnim tests an animation

testBlend tests animation blending

testDamage tests a damage def

testDeath tests death

testGUI tests a gui

testid output the string for the specified id.

testImage displays the given image centered on screen

testLight tests a light

testmap tests a map

testModel tests a model

testParticleStopTime tests particle stop time on a test model

testPointLight tests a point light

testSave writes out a test savegame

testShaderParm sets a shaderParm on an existing testModel

testSIMD test SIMD code

testSkin tests a skin on an existing testModel

testSound tests a sound

testStandaloneVideo displays the a standalone cinematic

testVideo displays the given cinematic

timeCmdDemo times a command demo

timeDemo times a demo

timeDemoQuit times a demo and quits

toggle toggles a cvar

touch touches a decl

touchFile touches a file

touchFileList touches a list of files

touchGui touches a gui

touchModel touches a model

trigger triggers an entity

unbind unbinds any command

reloadImages reloads images

reloadLanguage reload language dict

reloadModels reloads models

reloadScript reloads scripts

reloadShaders reloads the hardware shader programs

reloadSounds reloads all sounds

reloadSurface reloads the decl and images for selected surface

remove removes an entity

removeClientFromBanList removes a client id from the ban list: removeClientFromBanList


removeline removes a debug line

renderbump renders a bump map

renderbumpFlat renders a flat bump map

renderbumpFlatGUI launches the renderbump flat gui

reportImageDuplication checks all referenced images fo s_restart restarts the sound system

saveGame saves a game

SaveGameRefreshList refresh the gui's save list

saveLights saves all lights to the .map file

saveMoveables save all moveables to the .map file

saveParticles saves all lights to the .map file

saveRagdolls save all ragdoll poses to the .map file

saveSelected saves the selected entity to the .map file

say text chat

sayTeam team text chat

screenshot takes a tga screenshot

screenshotJpeg takes a jpg screenshot

script executes a line of script

serverForceReady force all players ready

serverInfo shows server info

serverMapRestart restart the current game

serverNextMap change to the next map

set sets a cvar

seta sets a cvar and flags it as archive

setInstance sets a player's world instance

setMachineSpec detects system capabilities and sets com_machineSpec to appropriate value

setPlayerGravity sets players local gravity

setPMCVars Resets player movement cvars

sets sets a cvar and flags it as server info

sett sets a cvar and flags it as tool

setu sets a cvar and flags it as user info

setviewpos sets the current view position

shakesGen generates shake data for sound shaders

showDictMemory shows memory used by dictionaries

showInteractionMemory shows memory used by interactions

showMemAlloc Prints outstanding mem_alloc tags -- Debug only

showMemory gives a reasonably detailed account of memory usage

showStringMemory shows memory used by strings

showTriSurfMemory shows memory used by triangle surfaces

sizeDown makes the rendered view smaller

sizeUp makes the rendered view larger

soundLog list the number of times sounds have been played

spawn spawns a game entity

spawnGUI spawn gui

spawnServer spawns a server

startBuild prepares to make a build

stopNetDemo stop playing/recording a network demo

stopRecording stops demo recording

tabComplete tab completes it's argument

teleport teleports the player to an entity location

testAnim tests an animation

testBlend tests animation blending

testDamage tests a damage def

testDeath tests death

testGUI tests a gui

testid output the string for the specified id.

testImage displays the given image centered on screen

testLight tests a light

testmap tests a map

testModel tests a model

testParticleStopTime tests particle stop time on a test model

testPointLight tests a point light

testSave writes out a test savegame

testShaderParm sets a shaderParm on an existing testModel

testSIMD test SIMD code

testSkin tests a skin on an existing testModel

testSound tests a sound

testStandaloneVideo displays the a standalone cinematic

testVideo displays the given cinematic

timeCmdDemo times a command demo

timeDemo times a demo

timeDemoQuit times a demo and quits

toggle toggles a cvar

touch touches a decl

touchFile touches a file

touchFileList touches a list of files

touchGui touches a gui

touchModel touches a model

trigger triggers an entity

unbind unbinds any command

上一篇 电脑进程太多,怎么办啊。哪些进程能删除啊
下一篇 演小水的女的叫什么
