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你是要英文的??? Real estate is real estate development project planning and management of the soul, the real estate development and management success. Real estate development with a large capital investment and capital return cycle length, market risk is high. Real estate development and construction are many reasons for the success or failure, in which the project scientific and reasonable planning decisions is the real key. Only real estate development projects in the planning of scientific and rational planning and design can have a clear theme, to more accurately search for and seize the market, the successful implementation of the project, and achieved good economic and social benefits.With the real estate market system perfect and mature, real estate planning and investment decision-making will certainly positioning rapid development. This paper uses a variety of research methods through Lanzhou, "the eastern Novel Trade City" project planning orientation empirical research will draw the following conclusions:(1) real estate market research and analysis of the key pre-planning. Only with full market research to understand the needs of the market can really develop products that meet market demand, developers can be expected to return to this long-term development of the real estate business.(2) real estate project planning is the core of the project orientation. Proposed development projects on accurate customer location, price positioning, market positioning, and ultimately gives the product a suitable positioning of the core real estate project planning and origin. Only projects for scientific and accurate positioning can be targeted to enhance the competitiveness of the project, to achieve the desired investment results.(3) project planning stage is the key to investment success factors. The use of related real estate projects in the planning theory of "Eastern Novel Trade City" project to conduct market analysis, location planning of research, come pre-planned real estate project development has an important role and significance.

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